all postcodes in LD7 / PRESTEIGNE

find any address or company within the LD7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD7 1SL 10 0 52.325713 -3.140625
LD7 1SN 8 0 52.332698 -3.153676
LD7 1SP 7 2 52.334927 -3.160133
LD7 1SR 17 0 52.332827 -3.165244
LD7 1SS 12 0 52.33579 -3.157411
LD7 1ST 1 0 52.340202 -3.160374
LD7 1SU 7 0 52.341203 -3.182711
LD7 1SW 10 0 52.33432 -3.157871
LD7 1SY 13 0 52.355175 -3.164584
LD7 1TA 7 1 52.345097 -3.153573
LD7 1TB 4 0 52.347271 -3.133664
LD7 1TD 4 1 52.337791 -3.134669
LD7 1TE 2 0 52.348705 -3.113367
LD7 1TN 6 0 52.350193 -3.054634
LD7 1TP 3 0 52.370694 -3.079226
LD7 1TR 7 0 52.385501 -3.083216
LD7 1TS 12 0 52.376471 -3.104047
LD7 1TT 2 0 52.363788 -3.098326
LD7 1TU 34 1 52.381238 -3.119048
LD7 1TW 13 0 52.359061 -3.068325