all postcodes in LD7 / PRESTEIGNE

find any address or company within the LD7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD7 1RD 2 0 52.3737 -3.108487
LD7 1RE 17 0 52.369733 -3.114013
LD7 1RF 10 0 52.374847 -3.108883
LD7 1RG 7 3 52.375688 -3.110755
LD7 1RH 12 1 52.380328 -3.171181
LD7 1RL 1 0 52.388674 -3.160058
LD7 1RN 4 0 52.381964 -3.140033
LD7 1RP 1 0 52.375671 -3.12687
LD7 1RR 40 0 52.36039 -3.096876
LD7 1RS 8 0 52.34345 -3.05258
LD7 1RT 13 0 52.342221 -3.055325
LD7 1RW 1 0 52.38085 -3.132423
LD7 1RY 23 0 52.343002 -3.055446
LD7 1SA 9 0 52.343006 -3.060041
LD7 1SB 8 0 52.342276 -3.059275
LD7 1SD 7 3 52.337346 -3.064661
LD7 1SE 5 0 52.329002 -3.074571
LD7 1SF 4 0 52.326863 -3.10284
LD7 1SG 6 0 52.321692 -3.117266
LD7 1SH 2 0 52.317484 -3.124261