all postcodes in LE6 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE65 2TL 6 0 52.735467 -1.491276
LE65 2TN 1 0 52.768976 -1.486009
LE65 2TT 3 0 52.746263 -1.503934
LE65 2TU 27 0 52.7459 -1.494702
LE65 2TX 1 0 52.729797 -1.481346
LE65 2TY 26 0 52.768163 -1.483129
LE65 2UA 4 1 52.768606 -1.483768
LE65 2UB 9 1 52.767127 -1.468231
LE65 2UD 22 0 52.748898 -1.474838
LE65 2UE 1 1 52.757594 -1.477585
LE65 2UG 14 12 52.758266 -1.476948
LE65 2UH 2 0 52.76485 -1.477854
LE65 2UJ 18 0 52.74554 -1.494536
LE65 2UL 5 0 52.759883 -1.472809
LE65 2UN 9 0 52.72151 -1.490002
LE65 2UP 10 3 52.731684 -1.506581
LE65 2UQ 1 1 52.746852 -1.471529
LE65 2UU 16 12 52.758362 -1.478584
LE65 2YA 12 0 52.749417 -1.478447
LE65 2YB 11 0 52.749773 -1.477509