all postcodes in LE6 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE65 2YD 8 0 52.749002 -1.480051
LE65 2YE 12 0 52.753201 -1.478164
LE65 2ZG 1 1 52.746852 -1.471529
LE65 2ZH 1 1 52.746852 -1.471529
LE65 2YZ 1 52.746852 -1.471529
LE65 2FT 0 52.746033 -1.475346
LE65 2US 16 0 52.761373 -1.472272
LE65 2UY 11 11 52.759621 -1.478524
LE65 2PZ 0 52.742362 -1.476819
LE65 2JB 34 0 52.751603 -1.472598
LE65 2JA 40 0 52.751516 -1.473221
LE65 2JJ 25 0 52.752625 -1.472008
LE65 2JW 15 0 52.752238 -1.471849
LE65 2AB 6 52.75931 -1.481462
LE65 2GJ 55 0 52.743847 -1.475002
LE65 2AG 0 52.747372 -1.473271
LE65 2JX 0 52.753119 -1.471987
LE65 2BS 2 2 52.756605 -1.477582
LE65 2AD 40 0 52.759418 -1.475245
LE65 2AE 16 0 52.759161 -1.476211