all postcodes in LE6 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE65 2AF 9 0 52.759156 -1.47513
LE65 2AJ 14 0 52.760008 -1.476601
LE65 2AL 18 0 52.759464 -1.4736
LE65 2AQ 25 0 52.7588 -1.473726
LE65 2AN 36 0 52.745477 -1.488034
LE65 2AP 8 0 52.745832 -1.487111
LE65 2AR 18 0 52.744957 -1.488484
LE65 2JH 0 52.75014 -1.473111
LE65 2UZ 7 52.760957 -1.479931
LE65 2FW 33 1 52.746164 -1.47464
LE65 2RB 0 52.753779 -1.485098
LE65 2RD 0 52.752902 -1.485909
LE65 2RE 0 52.753772 -1.485572
LE65 2UR 0 52.749337 -1.488988
LE65 2UW 0 52.750347 -1.489672
LE65 2WB 0 52.752023 -1.488527
LE65 2WF 0 52.747866 -1.489849
LE65 2RL 6 0 52.755155 -1.485156
LE65 2RS 1 0 52.754634 -1.485355
LE65 9AB 1 1 52.746852 -1.471529