all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2SS 0 53.297414 -3.463526
LL18 2ST 0 53.298038 -3.463217
LL18 2SU 0 53.297654 -3.463729
LL18 2SW 0 53.296411 -3.463987
LL18 2SX 0 53.297455 -3.466768
LL18 2SY 0 53.29811 -3.46469
LL18 2TA 0 53.298214 -3.464273
LL18 2TB 0 53.298523 -3.463309
LL18 2TD 0 53.295618 -3.461919
LL18 2TE 0 53.295845 -3.460966
LL18 2TF 0 53.294711 -3.461078
LL18 2TG 0 53.294891 -3.462524
LL18 2TH 0 53.294755 -3.460434
LL18 2TJ 7 53.30358 -3.469469
LL18 2TL 0 53.296295 -3.460157
LL18 2TN 0 53.293798 -3.462277
LL18 2TP 3 53.293657 -3.461282
LL18 2TQ 0 53.292391 -3.462664
LL18 2TZ 0 53.292347 -3.463292
LL18 2TR 6 53.292127 -3.464321