all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 8HF 15 1 52.967554 -3.169276
LL20 8HG 7 0 52.967399 -3.17222
LL20 8HH 20 1 52.968306 -3.172662
LL20 8HL 8 2 52.968919 -3.168852
LL20 8HN 9 4 52.968765 -3.166197
LL20 8HS 20 5 52.968421 -3.166471
LL20 8HT 7 0 52.968387 -3.165353
LL20 8HU 5 1 52.968977 -3.167498
LL20 8HJ 15 0 52.968732 -3.169249
LL20 8HW 23 4 52.968646 -3.168279
LL20 8HY 53 0 52.969119 -3.16643
LL20 8HZ 12 0 52.969189 -3.165196
LL20 8LA 7 2 52.968973 -3.163909
LL20 8LB 24 0 52.96921 -3.16268
LL20 8LD 5 0 52.969355 -3.159854
LL20 8LF 9 0 52.968918 -3.16218
LL20 8LG 6 0 52.968966 -3.161943
LL20 8LH 2 0 52.968428 -3.164565
LL20 8LJ 6 0 52.96888 -3.162447
LL20 8LL 2 0 52.968633 -3.163796