all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 8LN 37 0 52.969071 -3.157553
LL20 8LP 9 0 52.968363 -3.162255
LL20 8LR 4 0 52.967592 -3.162636
LL20 8LS 13 1 52.967761 -3.164056
LL20 8LT 14 0 52.967649 -3.166316
LL20 8LU 17 0 52.968081 -3.1632
LL20 8LW 8 0 52.969153 -3.159313
LL20 8NA 7 0 52.96945 -3.173929
LL20 8NB 17 2 52.969259 -3.172345
LL20 8ND 9 7 52.969015 -3.17009
LL20 8NE 3 0 52.968949 -3.172173
LL20 8NF 7 5 52.968838 -3.170696
LL20 8RT 9 3 52.969396 -3.170622
LL20 8NN 20 5 52.969235 -3.16959
LL20 8NP 4 0 52.969342 -3.169742
LL20 8NQ 18 0 52.969107 -3.173518
LL20 8NR 15 7 52.969697 -3.169855
LL20 8NS 5 1 52.96952 -3.16994
LL20 8NT 1 1 52.970449 -3.170457
LL20 8NU 8 8 52.96998 -3.170638