all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 8RG 16 1 52.969646 -3.173532
LL20 8RH 6 0 52.968798 -3.173807
LL20 8RJ 21 0 52.971036 -3.167524
LL20 8RN 3 0 52.969683 -3.174069
LL20 8RP 6 2 52.969621 -3.169407
LL20 8RS 5 0 52.969208 -3.174816
LL20 8RU 23 9 52.969282 -3.170291
LL20 8RW 1 1 52.968945 -3.172307
LL20 8RY 13 6 52.970801 -3.167607
LL20 8RZ 33 2 52.970079 -3.163894
LL20 8SA 1 0 52.970595 -3.165666
LL20 8SE 5 0 52.970008 -3.166022
LL20 8SG 2 0 52.971213 -3.168407
LL20 8SH 3 0 52.971124 -3.168285
LL20 8SL 11 0 52.972426 -3.176035
LL20 8SN 23 8 52.971848 -3.17176
LL20 8SP 11 0 52.972744 -3.175373
LL20 8SR 1 0 52.971676 -3.17247
LL20 8SS 18 1 52.976256 -3.178432
LL20 8ST 5 0 52.971714 -3.170446