all postcodes in LL20 / LLANGOLLEN

find any address or company within the LL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL20 7EL 1 0 52.93309 -3.187481
LL20 7EN 2 0 52.932768 -3.18786
LL20 7EP 6 0 52.932572 -3.187972
LL20 7EQ 8 0 52.93136 -3.190513
LL20 7ER 2 0 52.932264 -3.18801
LL20 7ES 2 0 52.931973 -3.188255
LL20 7ET 4 0 52.931652 -3.189197
LL20 7EU 13 1 52.930938 -3.189579
LL20 7EW 3 0 52.932612 -3.187646
LL20 7EY 13 1 52.931423 -3.187822
LL20 7HA 1 0 52.931338 -3.187388
LL20 7HB 9 1 52.929231 -3.188639
LL20 7HD 1 0 52.930304 -3.187375
LL20 7HE 8 5 52.932239 -3.187189
LL20 7HF 12 1 52.932711 -3.184018
LL20 7HG 26 0 52.932516 -3.186394
LL20 7HH 3 1 52.933734 -3.181161
LL20 7HJ 7 0 52.932198 -3.187664
LL20 7HL 5 0 52.932741 -3.182844
LL20 7HN 7 0 52.933035 -3.182197