all postcodes in LL23 / BALA

find any address or company within the LL23 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL23 7DN 1 0 52.914576 -3.590592
LL23 7DP 9 0 52.917964 -3.560225
LL23 7DR 5 0 52.913749 -3.539416
LL23 7DS 6 0 52.917435 -3.581148
LL23 7DT 19 0 52.917239 -3.581706
LL23 7DU 7 0 52.918436 -3.5823
LL23 7DW 7 0 52.916426 -3.58065
LL23 7DX 9 0 52.906705 -3.594943
LL23 7DY 4 0 52.929619 -3.587707
LL23 7DZ 6 1 52.906109 -3.595144
LL23 7EA 3 0 52.929995 -3.602584
LL23 7EB 16 0 52.96339 -3.620063
LL23 7ED 9 0 52.975567 -3.628323
LL23 7EE 1 0 52.971748 -3.61637
LL23 7EH 19 1 52.909717 -3.597656
LL23 7EL 8 1 52.909785 -3.597227
LL23 7EN 32 0 52.908822 -3.596686
LL23 7EP 7 0 52.911193 -3.565082
LL23 7EQ 10 0 52.909478 -3.596026
LL23 7ER 3 0 52.902185 -3.57124