all postcodes in LL23 / BALA

find any address or company within the LL23 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL23 7NL 15 13 52.910104 -3.591588
LL23 7NN 4 0 52.912982 -3.594177
LL23 7NP 10 1 52.921859 -3.599873
LL23 7NR 3 0 52.94397 -3.617566
LL23 7NS 4 0 52.942986 -3.629034
LL23 7NT 44 1 52.939836 -3.634511
LL23 7NU 17 3 52.948347 -3.655506
LL23 7NW 2 1 52.915995 -3.595139
LL23 7NY 9 0 52.959998 -3.724408
LL23 7PA 0 52.942503 -3.751249
LL23 7PB 0 52.940227 -3.72633
LL23 7PG 1 52.911872 -3.595177
LL23 7PH 2 52.902072 -3.591844
LL23 7PL 0 52.904619 -3.578138
LL23 7PN 0 52.905295 -3.548692
LL23 7PP 0 52.907577 -3.552208
LL23 7PR 0 52.90626 -3.528774
LL23 7PS 2 52.91255 -3.514478
LL23 7PT 0 52.915272 -3.509739
LL23 7PU 0 52.915469 -3.510269