all postcodes in LL23 / BALA

find any address or company within the LL23 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL23 7HW 2 1 52.920344 -3.515734
LL23 7HY 9 0 52.927858 -3.513272
LL23 7LA 7 0 52.94139 -3.508893
LL23 7LB 6 0 52.949325 -3.503453
LL23 7LD 6 0 52.948548 -3.49591
LL23 7LE 1 0 52.945495 -3.509184
LL23 7LF 2 0 52.943326 -3.523919
LL23 7LG 24 1 52.942448 -3.530895
LL23 7LH 4 0 52.941829 -3.537543
LL23 7LL 2 0 52.939378 -3.538617
LL23 7LN 13 1 52.942012 -3.549944
LL23 7LU 8 1 52.911532 -3.596994
LL23 7LW 3 0 52.938778 -3.568016
LL23 7LY 1 1 52.911486 -3.596457
LL23 7NA 15 0 52.855523 -3.670135
LL23 7ND 1 1 52.910548 -3.598014
LL23 7NE 2 0 52.910861 -3.59749
LL23 7NG 13 4 52.912199 -3.595531
LL23 7NH 3 0 52.911468 -3.594449
LL23 7NJ 1 1 52.907461 -3.590852