all postcodes in LL35 / ABERDOVEY

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL35 0HG 5 0 52.544873 -4.046639
LL35 0HH 4 0 52.545034 -4.047082
LL35 0HL 11 0 52.545393 -4.047268
LL35 0HN 2 0 52.544759 -4.047409
LL35 0HP 1 0 52.545174 -4.046889
LL35 0HR 6 0 52.545567 -4.046523
LL35 0HT 2 0 52.545788 -4.047176
LL35 0HU 10 0 52.545526 -4.047878
LL35 0HW 4 0 52.544687 -4.048061
LL35 0HY 6 0 52.546255 -4.04834
LL35 0LA 4 0 52.546735 -4.044542
LL35 0LB 5 0 52.546462 -4.045223
LL35 0LD 1 0 52.54624 -4.044018
LL35 0LE 8 0 52.546281 -4.045834
LL35 0LF 6 0 52.54476 -4.042253
LL35 0LG 4 0 52.545316 -4.046512
LL35 0LL 19 0 52.544347 -4.041688
LL35 0LN 9 1 52.544296 -4.040506
LL35 0LP 15 0 52.544754 -4.03948
LL35 0LR 4 0 52.544987 -4.039004