all postcodes in LL35 / ABERDOVEY

find any address or company within the LL35 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL35 0PB 4 0 52.546337 -4.050756
LL35 0PD 52 0 52.547228 -4.048784
LL35 0PE 1 0 52.548441 -4.048294
LL35 0PF 1 0 52.550589 -4.046787
LL35 0PG 1 0 52.548868 -4.043875
LL35 0PH 43 0 52.547355 -4.046105
LL35 0PL 12 0 52.54698 -4.045955
LL35 0PN 15 0 52.546216 -4.046952
LL35 0PS 12 0 52.545464 -4.035325
LL35 0PT 18 0 52.545164 -4.033423
LL35 0PU 6 0 52.545554 -4.032187
LL35 0PW 3 0 52.546788 -4.048203
LL35 0PY 10 0 52.546749 -4.029086
LL35 0RA 1 1 52.547528 -4.024565
LL35 0RB 7 0 52.545486 -4.050207
LL35 0RD 6 0 52.548862 -4.015953
LL35 0RE 7 0 52.553624 -3.993824
LL35 0RF 63 0 52.556187 -3.988453
LL35 0RG 28 2 52.558144 -3.973582
LL35 0RL 6 0 52.559116 -3.980574