all postcodes in LL40 / DOLGELLAU

find any address or company within the LL40 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL40 2HH 6 0 52.783203 -3.879272
LL40 2HL 3 0 52.788106 -3.885905
LL40 2HN 5 1 52.791965 -3.888638
LL40 2HP 7 1 52.798511 -3.891414
LL40 2HR 3 0 52.804513 -3.889909
LL40 2HS 5 0 52.822357 -3.878765
LL40 2HT 1 0 52.806634 -3.889452
LL40 2HU 3 0 52.810006 -3.892195
LL40 2HW 2 0 52.795422 -3.891019
LL40 2HY 6 1 52.831008 -3.907403
LL40 2LA 3 0 52.833232 -3.915576
LL40 2LB 1 0 52.839465 -3.924299
LL40 2LD 1 0 52.8359 -3.898947
LL40 2LE 1 0 52.817138 -3.885841
LL40 2LF 4 0 52.828349 -3.869984
LL40 2LG 1 0 52.807683 -3.873726
LL40 2LH 1 0 52.814831 -3.868024
LL40 2LL 3 0 52.801162 -3.870508
LL40 2LS 4 0 52.752908 -3.864261
LL40 2LT 2 0 52.752276 -3.872227