all postcodes in LL40 / DOLGELLAU

find any address or company within the LL40 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL40 2LU 4 0 52.7586 -3.851552
LL40 2LW 1 0 52.836927 -3.852572
LL40 2LY 1 0 52.764057 -3.847559
LL40 2NA 1 0 52.76761 -3.839942
LL40 2NB 1 0 52.755876 -3.857867
LL40 2ND 2 0 52.757842 -3.865871
LL40 2NE 1 0 52.755472 -3.871558
LL40 2NF 7 0 52.762749 -3.87021
LL40 2NG 10 1 52.769951 -3.862173
LL40 2NH 2 0 52.782544 -3.854191
LL40 2NL 2 0 52.781682 -3.860411
LL40 2NN 3 0 52.784241 -3.864815
LL40 2NP 1 0 52.774783 -3.88355
LL40 2NR 3 0 52.786375 -3.861154
LL40 2NS 2 0 52.790739 -3.859626
LL40 2NT 1 0 52.78939 -3.869528
LL40 2NU 1 0 52.787542 -3.860151
LL40 2NW 1 0 52.786494 -3.877027
LL40 2NY 2 0 52.810395 -3.853714
LL40 2PA 1 0 52.813183 -3.857892