all postcodes in LL40 / DOLGELLAU

find any address or company within the LL40 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL40 2PB 2 0 52.812211 -3.862961
LL40 2PD 3 0 52.816111 -3.863256
LL40 2PE 2 0 52.815177 -3.855535
LL40 2PF 15 0 52.834296 -3.83222
LL40 2PG 3 0 52.847212 -3.845238
LL40 2PH 3 0 52.836722 -3.880039
LL40 2PP 2 0 52.737777 -3.866881
LL40 2PR 9 0 52.739624 -3.863931
LL40 2PS 5 0 52.739473 -3.852933
LL40 2PT 2 0 52.740957 -3.849862
LL40 2PU 2 0 52.741071 -3.847156
LL40 2PW 2 0 52.737011 -3.87498
LL40 2PY 2 0 52.74017 -3.845562
LL40 2RA 1 0 52.739426 -3.847145
LL40 2RB 3 0 52.739047 -3.84336
LL40 2RD 2 0 52.727362 -3.834862
LL40 2RE 4 0 52.745458 -3.838075
LL40 2RF 4 0 52.742666 -3.830299
LL40 2RG 5 0 52.74525 -3.832377
LL40 2RH 2 1 52.747472 -3.835025