all postcodes in LL54 / CAERNARFON

find any address or company within the LL54 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL54 6ES 40 0 53.053977 -4.281889
LL54 6ET 8 0 53.054011 -4.281093
LL54 6EW 11 0 53.032252 -4.280213
LL54 6EY 43 1 53.053041 -4.27964
LL54 6HB 3 0 53.0534 -4.279196
LL54 6HD 29 3 53.053002 -4.281219
LL54 6HE 7 0 53.053015 -4.27537
LL54 6HF 52 0 53.052377 -4.267816
LL54 6HG 36 0 53.052148 -4.262797
LL54 6HH 2 0 53.05215 -4.262245
LL54 6HJ 1 1 53.05303 -4.275983
LL54 6HL 47 2 53.052022 -4.259031
LL54 6HN 2 0 53.052119 -4.259632
LL54 6HP 10 0 53.053394 -4.256439
LL54 6HR 50 1 53.054271 -4.255217
LL54 6HS 14 0 53.054849 -4.256008
LL54 6HT 1 0 53.053588 -4.258031
LL54 6HU 29 1 53.053891 -4.259584
LL54 6HW 3 0 53.052411 -4.25991
LL54 6HY 1 0 53.052827 -4.260722