all postcodes in LL54 / CAERNARFON

find any address or company within the LL54 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL54 6LA 4 0 53.052948 -4.262415
LL54 6LB 2 0 53.05286 -4.2627
LL54 6LD 13 0 53.053383 -4.265034
LL54 6LE 8 0 53.055796 -4.256819
LL54 6LF 8 0 53.060465 -4.249571
LL54 6LG 4 0 53.060631 -4.248848
LL54 6LP 1 1 53.054086 -4.283754
LL54 6LR 35 8 53.053458 -4.283228
LL54 6LW 5 0 53.054209 -4.283447
LL54 6LY 12 3 53.051809 -4.281969
LL54 6ND 19 0 53.051966 -4.284611
LL54 6NE 63 0 53.051424 -4.285642
LL54 6NG 47 6 53.05296 -4.28476
LL54 6NH 4 0 53.052318 -4.285451
LL54 6NN 28 1 53.052956 -4.286424
LL54 6NP 12 0 53.052673 -4.288066
LL54 6NR 12 0 53.053268 -4.287933
LL54 6NS 38 0 53.051582 -4.290082
LL54 6NT 1 0 53.046616 -4.289759
LL54 6NU 35 0 53.053598 -4.285295