all postcodes in LL54 / CAERNARFON

find any address or company within the LL54 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL54 6SP 5 0 53.040053 -4.28413
LL54 6SR 1 0 53.040107 -4.28552
LL54 6SS 39 0 53.041691 -4.284993
LL54 6ST 4 0 53.041361 -4.29415
LL54 6SU 8 0 53.035044 -4.289757
LL54 6SW 30 0 53.040751 -4.283824
LL54 6SY 12 1 53.026167 -4.298294
LL54 6TA 1 0 53.013871 -4.292989
LL54 6TF 3 0 53.054229 -4.135733
LL54 6TG 6 0 53.053901 -4.135971
LL54 6TH 2 0 53.053369 -4.136109
LL54 6TL 11 1 53.053824 -4.13628
LL54 6TN 10 0 53.052461 -4.134557
LL54 6TP 12 0 53.054406 -4.136414
LL54 6TU 11 0 53.052369 -4.2842
LL54 6TW 2 0 53.043644 -4.121267
LL54 6ZH 1 0 53.140277 -4.248179
LL54 6DJ 0 53.044907 -4.282298
LL54 6NZ 3 0 53.051588 -4.288806
LL54 6AJ 0 53.054519 -4.253544