all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 1TJ 4 0 53.224753 -4.11828
LL57 1TL 12 0 53.224726 -4.113655
LL57 1TN 12 0 53.225061 -4.118131
LL57 1TS 16 0 53.226912 -4.115196
LL57 1TT 23 0 53.227119 -4.114666
LL57 1UB 13 1 53.227139 -4.123612
LL57 1UE 1 1 53.227612 -4.124819
LL57 1UL 37 21 53.228043 -4.123812
LL57 1UP 6 3 53.228554 -4.123457
LL57 1UR 27 8 53.229149 -4.123861
LL57 1UT 1 1 53.229804 -4.123953
LL57 1YA 35 20 53.22861 -4.122267
LL57 1YB 1 1 53.228595 -4.122665
LL57 1YE 19 6 53.229108 -4.121102
LL57 1YG 7 0 53.229205 -4.122246
LL57 1YH 3 1 53.229056 -4.121984
LL57 1YL 24 0 53.229675 -4.122584
LL57 1YQ 11 0 53.229484 -4.119149
LL57 1YR 4 2 53.229483 -4.120222
LL57 1YS 26 0 53.229994 -4.11779