all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 1NU 18 16 53.225476 -4.127595
LL57 1NW 25 20 53.227085 -4.125608
LL57 1NX 16 1 53.225887 -4.127775
LL57 1NY 27 22 53.226018 -4.127017
LL57 1PA 21 16 53.22653 -4.12546
LL57 1PB 12 11 53.227086 -4.125092
LL57 1PD 2 2 53.227384 -4.124499
LL57 1PH 20 0 53.229421 -4.113626
LL57 1PX 12 2 53.229265 -4.114293
LL57 1PZ 2 0 53.228432 -4.113074
LL57 1RB 5 0 53.225442 -4.127048
LL57 1RL 5 0 53.226363 -4.126824
LL57 1RP 1 1 53.22679 -4.125557
LL57 1RS 1 1 53.226837 -4.12496
LL57 1RT 1 1 53.227221 -4.12459
LL57 1RU 1 1 53.227431 -4.12442
LL57 1RW 1 1 53.226748 -4.125375
LL57 1SB 8 0 53.22741 -4.114995
LL57 1SD 18 0 53.22724 -4.112875
LL57 1SE 18 0 53.227314 -4.111784