all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the LL57 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 1LQ 5 0 53.221444 -4.115795
LL57 1LR 13 1 53.225294 -4.113618
LL57 1LS 11 3 53.223763 -4.115804
LL57 1LT 57 4 53.222169 -4.116954
LL57 1LU 50 0 53.221993 -4.118788
LL57 1LW 6 0 53.222352 -4.114776
LL57 1LY 36 0 53.220418 -4.11889
LL57 1LZ 5 5 53.223059 -4.134615
LL57 1NA 24 0 53.21926 -4.119777
LL57 1NB 2 0 53.220829 -4.117943
LL57 1ND 57 0 53.219539 -4.118727
LL57 1NE 25 0 53.221045 -4.116974
LL57 1NF 8 0 53.22011 -4.117482
LL57 1NG 23 0 53.222944 -4.113337
LL57 1NH 68 0 53.221241 -4.115545
LL57 1NP 50 14 53.22278 -4.132609
LL57 1NL 177 0 53.223052 -4.131963
LL57 1NR 36 16 53.223589 -4.130558
LL57 1NS 60 13 53.224141 -4.129396
LL57 1NT 27 20 53.224897 -4.12837