all postcodes in LL58 / BEAUMARIS

find any address or company within the LL58 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL58 8PD 4 0 53.304696 -4.096421
LL58 8PE 13 0 53.30623 -4.097127
LL58 8PF 7 0 53.306652 -4.095121
LL58 8PG 3 0 53.306745 -4.09394
LL58 8PH 22 0 53.309552 -4.099395
LL58 8PL 1 0 53.304734 -4.099395
LL58 8PN 1 0 53.299486 -4.103339
LL58 8PP 1 0 53.293405 -4.10199
LL58 8PR 2 0 53.289814 -4.109335
LL58 8PS 3 1 53.284252 -4.101
LL58 8PT 26 0 53.28209 -4.093109
LL58 8PW 9 0 53.302057 -4.109949
LL58 8RA 1 0 53.264868 -4.087244
LL58 8RB 10 0 53.278847 -4.08422
LL58 8RD 1 0 53.279545 -4.079259
LL58 8RE 10 0 53.280607 -4.085386
LL58 8RF 12 0 53.282487 -4.085312
LL58 8RG 14 0 53.283502 -4.086386
LL58 8RH 32 0 53.285162 -4.088098
LL58 8RL 1 0 53.287408 -4.086677