all postcodes in LL59 / MENAI BRIDGE

find any address or company within the LL59 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL59 5HE 12 0 53.221962 -4.163038
LL59 5HF 18 0 53.222169 -4.163034
LL59 5HG 5 0 53.221734 -4.16421
LL59 5HH 4 0 53.221654 -4.164116
LL59 5HL 3 0 53.221908 -4.164039
LL59 5HN 31 0 53.222968 -4.163568
LL59 5HP 18 0 53.230365 -4.168631
LL59 5HS 5 2 53.2264 -4.16864
LL59 5HT 12 0 53.226789 -4.168001
LL59 5HU 5 0 53.228015 -4.17082
LL59 5HW 24 0 53.223808 -4.162862
LL59 5HY 10 0 53.228494 -4.170664
LL59 5LA 8 0 53.227688 -4.175942
LL59 5LB 44 0 53.229214 -4.171629
LL59 5LD 18 0 53.229361 -4.170438
LL59 5LE 7 0 53.230099 -4.172408
LL59 5LF 18 0 53.229969 -4.1736
LL59 5LG 22 0 53.229684 -4.176403
LL59 5LH 4 0 53.229652 -4.174708
LL59 5LJ 21 0 53.227752 -4.171891