all postcodes in LL59 / MENAI BRIDGE

find any address or company within the LL59 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL59 5LL 34 0 53.230228 -4.174168
LL59 5LN 37 0 53.230904 -4.172629
LL59 5LP 8 0 53.232137 -4.17404
LL59 5LR 13 0 53.231123 -4.175862
LL59 5LS 4 0 53.230529 -4.175442
LL59 5LT 9 0 53.230054 -4.175852
LL59 5LU 23 0 53.229714 -4.175236
LL59 5LW 11 0 53.230671 -4.177007
LL59 5LY 8 0 53.231065 -4.179035
LL59 5NA 12 0 53.230248 -4.178939
LL59 5NB 57 0 53.231543 -4.176497
LL59 5ND 18 0 53.231567 -4.173741
LL59 5NE 76 0 53.230962 -4.16995
LL59 5NF 4 0 53.229337 -4.172729
LL59 5NG 11 0 53.22882 -4.161646
LL59 5NH 18 0 53.231914 -4.160064
LL59 5NL 6 1 53.233903 -4.158965
LL59 5NN 6 0 53.233297 -4.156178
LL59 5NP 8 0 53.235 -4.15451
LL59 5NR 12 0 53.23707 -4.145892