all postcodes in LL59 / MENAI BRIDGE

find any address or company within the LL59 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL59 5TE 4 0 53.237117 -4.156265
LL59 5TF 14 0 53.236638 -4.155911
LL59 5TG 4 0 53.237312 -4.154941
LL59 5TH 41 0 53.237033 -4.153389
LL59 5TL 10 0 53.240749 -4.149299
LL59 5TN 28 0 53.242373 -4.149995
LL59 5TP 3 0 53.240945 -4.146926
LL59 5TR 4 0 53.239252 -4.145057
LL59 5TS 9 0 53.239478 -4.146507
LL59 5TT 26 0 53.242752 -4.149855
LL59 5TU 2 0 53.241785 -4.148143
LL59 5TY 41 0 53.242429 -4.147335
LL59 5UA 12 2 53.242244 -4.145108
LL59 5UB 1 0 53.240808 -4.141044
LL59 5UD 9 0 53.242146 -4.140097
LL59 5UE 7 0 53.24312 -4.141459
LL59 5UF 18 0 53.243806 -4.140819
LL59 5UG 1 0 53.242795 -4.143002
LL59 5UH 1 0 53.24587 -4.152478
LL59 5UL 7 2 53.244484 -4.152049