all postcodes in LL61 / LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLL

find any address or company within the LL61 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL61 6PQ 6 0 53.185933 -4.227082
LL61 6PS 2 0 53.219334 -4.217871
LL61 6PT 1 0 53.216784 -4.219666
LL61 6PU 6 0 53.216619 -4.21452
LL61 6PX 11 0 53.19006 -4.250475
LL61 6PY 11 0 53.177871 -4.354938
LL61 6PZ 8 0 53.166442 -4.35459
LL61 6RE 1 0 53.166908 -4.306439
LL61 6RF 6 0 53.164816 -4.313703
LL61 6RG 5 0 53.163728 -4.315125
LL61 6RH 8 0 53.163589 -4.319023
LL61 6RJ 19 0 53.178306 -4.272915
LL61 6RL 4 0 53.163362 -4.326984
LL61 6RN 6 0 53.162839 -4.324733
LL61 6RP 19 1 53.166528 -4.334696
LL61 6RQ 16 0 53.17795 -4.270861
LL61 6RR 12 0 53.165639 -4.341515
LL61 6RS 45 1 53.156698 -4.34945
LL61 6RT 8 0 53.163507 -4.357069
LL61 6RU 28 0 53.164272 -4.357934