all postcodes in LL61 / LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLL

find any address or company within the LL61 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL61 6SX 9 0 53.18368 -4.268335
LL61 6SY 23 1 53.165549 -4.357459
LL61 6SZ 8 0 53.172635 -4.27471
LL61 6TA 10 1 53.164866 -4.358379
LL61 6TB 11 0 53.165258 -4.35671
LL61 6TD 39 0 53.16677 -4.356179
LL61 6TE 6 1 53.167256 -4.353902
LL61 6TF 5 0 53.165913 -4.359499
LL61 6TG 39 0 53.166258 -4.357962
LL61 6TH 2 0 53.167208 -4.357212
LL61 6TJ 12 0 53.169444 -4.292906
LL61 6TL 9 0 53.172455 -4.340555
LL61 6TN 4 0 53.172958 -4.348348
LL61 6TP 6 0 53.166437 -4.362565
LL61 6TQ 24 3 53.160588 -4.284514
LL61 6TR 12 0 53.167171 -4.363652
LL61 6TS 1 0 53.1646 -4.359082
LL61 6TT 11 0 53.181847 -4.26499
LL61 6TU 9 0 53.179559 -4.269898
LL61 6TW 10 0 53.169696 -4.351926