all postcodes in LL61 / LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLL

find any address or company within the LL61 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL61 6RW 6 0 53.164141 -4.328522
LL61 6RX 4 0 53.177354 -4.270036
LL61 6RY 3 0 53.164412 -4.359452
LL61 6RZ 35 0 53.177509 -4.271316
LL61 6SA 3 0 53.164515 -4.359302
LL61 6SB 9 0 53.164145 -4.359327
LL61 6SD 22 0 53.164418 -4.360051
LL61 6SE 7 0 53.163633 -4.360241
LL61 6SF 25 0 53.163029 -4.359385
LL61 6SG 36 1 53.160517 -4.367296
LL61 6SH 15 1 53.165119 -4.35965
LL61 6SJ 7 0 53.191201 -4.270454
LL61 6SL 8 1 53.165258 -4.359424
LL61 6SN 18 0 53.165997 -4.361179
LL61 6SP 1 0 53.171024 -4.357041
LL61 6SQ 4 0 53.190704 -4.290277
LL61 6SR 1 0 53.173212 -4.360498
LL61 6ST 21 0 53.168186 -4.366416
LL61 6SU 12 0 53.170273 -4.365879
LL61 6SW 37 0 53.167127 -4.364503