all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4EN 8 0 53.24586 -0.518537
LN2 4EP 13 0 53.246309 -0.516739
LN2 4EQ 17 4 53.244303 -0.519834
LN2 4ER 12 0 53.247011 -0.51607
LN2 4ES 14 0 53.247529 -0.515018
LN2 4ET 10 1 53.247942 -0.51355
LN2 4JX 17 0 53.24848 -0.513845
LN2 4EU 6 0 53.245847 -0.518987
LN2 4EW 7 0 53.245994 -0.518517
LN2 4EX 40 0 53.246601 -0.52031
LN2 4EY 8 0 53.246806 -0.520887
LN2 4EZ 4 0 53.24688 -0.521799
LN2 4FJ 19 4 53.241237 -0.506843
LN2 4GA 9 0 53.250761 -0.477328
LN2 4GB 43 0 53.249225 -0.514494
LN2 4GD 39 0 53.24946 -0.516029
LN2 4GE 4 0 53.245187 -0.494311
LN2 4GF 5 0 53.245 -0.495097
LN2 4GL 57 0 53.243563 -0.499509
LN2 4HA 40 0 53.247872 -0.519846