all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4HB 39 0 53.249975 -0.517961
LN2 4HD 41 0 53.248055 -0.520125
LN2 4HE 13 0 53.24624 -0.521656
LN2 4HF 37 0 53.245804 -0.522735
LN2 4HL 1 1 53.237568 -0.50748
LN2 4HQ 1 1 53.239098 -0.510499
LN2 4HR 1 1 53.236975 -0.505029
LN2 4HU 5 5 53.237085 -0.507647
LN2 4HX 6 6 53.23811 -0.506578
LN2 4HZ 3 3 53.235558 -0.508449
LN2 4JA 8 7 53.238621 -0.508298
LN2 4JB 24 17 53.23885 -0.512935
LN2 4JF 20 0 53.243216 -0.511646
LN2 4JG 22 0 53.243583 -0.51331
LN2 4JH 29 1 53.246272 -0.513758
LN2 4JJ 8 0 53.246413 -0.514967
LN2 4JL 48 0 53.248278 -0.516701
LN2 4JN 4 0 53.249164 -0.519263
LN2 4JP 40 0 53.246451 -0.512972
LN2 4JQ 21 0 53.244256 -0.511758