all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4JR 33 0 53.246856 -0.512958
LN2 4JS 40 0 53.24862 -0.51606
LN2 4JT 26 0 53.249255 -0.516457
LN2 4JU 26 0 53.248787 -0.51496
LN2 4JW 61 0 53.24433 -0.510858
LN2 4JY 13 13 53.236812 -0.506008
LN2 4JZ 8 5 53.238306 -0.511126
LN2 4LA 3 2 53.238735 -0.510197
LN2 4LB 1 1 53.237067 -0.51418
LN2 4LD 1 1 53.237779 -0.509226
LN2 4LF 13 0 53.2415 -0.521445
LN2 4LG 32 0 53.242303 -0.519499
LN2 4LH 12 0 53.243942 -0.515441
LN2 4LJ 31 0 53.242299 -0.517041
LN2 4LL 5 0 53.241666 -0.516763
LN2 4LN 18 0 53.241072 -0.518133
LN2 4LP 15 0 53.24166 -0.514771
LN2 4LQ 17 2 53.243097 -0.517568
LN2 4LR 12 0 53.242099 -0.515385
LN2 4LS 22 0 53.242291 -0.513505