all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 4LT 18 0 53.242872 -0.512541
LN2 4LU 5 0 53.242532 -0.514126
LN2 4LW 22 0 53.241254 -0.516823
LN2 4LX 31 0 53.243138 -0.515139
LN2 4LY 26 0 53.244334 -0.513734
LN2 4LZ 6 0 53.24502 -0.512093
LN2 4NA 29 0 53.243357 -0.513933
LN2 4NB 12 0 53.244786 -0.515367
LN2 4ND 16 1 53.245685 -0.516446
LN2 4NE 5 1 53.245938 -0.517232
LN2 4NF 39 0 53.246707 -0.518314
LN2 4NG 12 0 53.247428 -0.519622
LN2 4NJ 28 0 53.245007 -0.514325
LN2 4NL 12 0 53.245278 -0.515471
LN2 4NN 12 0 53.2457 -0.514376
LN2 4NQ 68 0 53.247438 -0.517854
LN2 4NR 22 0 53.244862 -0.514195
LN2 4NS 42 0 53.24616 -0.515545
LN2 4PA 4 0 53.236099 -0.529632
LN2 4PD 6 0 53.236448 -0.528736