all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 2HW 1 53.190697 -0.523462
LN4 2HX 1 53.170263 -0.482648
LN4 2HY 0 53.175238 -0.492481
LN4 2HZ 0 53.155253 -0.505611
LN4 2JA 1 53.14993 -0.504121
LN4 2JD 0 53.182407 -0.474466
LN4 2JJ 0 53.203976 -0.539954
LN4 2JL 0 53.203436 -0.540303
LN4 2JN 0 53.203226 -0.539292
LN4 2JP 0 53.199316 -0.537868
LN4 2JR 0 53.198272 -0.537065
LN4 2JS 0 53.196992 -0.538186
LN4 2JT 2 53.19687 -0.539987
LN4 2JU 0 53.19722 -0.538508
LN4 2JW 2 53.200751 -0.536816
LN4 2JX 0 53.197347 -0.539267
LN4 2JY 0 53.197051 -0.536403
LN4 2JZ 0 53.196926 -0.535045
LN4 2LA 4 53.196507 -0.535298
LN4 2LB 0 53.196039 -0.538189