all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 1GN 10 0 53.209835 -0.455254
LN4 1GP 21 0 53.212386 -0.464163
LN4 1GQ 14 0 53.210225 -0.456214
LN4 1GR 16 0 53.216969 -0.461228
LN4 1GS 25 0 53.199331 -0.48511
LN4 1HA 1 0 53.220613 -0.480435
LN4 1HB 24 0 53.221625 -0.480803
LN4 1HD 16 0 53.222022 -0.482317
LN4 1HE 4 0 53.22254 -0.480651
LN4 1HF 29 0 53.222934 -0.481985
LN4 1HG 7 0 53.222505 -0.482105
LN4 1HH 7 0 53.222929 -0.482989
LN4 1HJ 4 0 53.220794 -0.479065
LN4 1HL 4 0 53.222722 -0.478727
LN4 1HN 21 0 53.221897 -0.47955
LN4 1HP 5 0 53.222939 -0.480202
LN4 1HQ 3 0 53.222681 -0.482893
LN4 1HR 2 0 53.191335 -0.448119
LN4 1HS 4 0 53.216528 -0.474469
LN4 1HT 7 0 53.210722 -0.466229