all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 1JW 46 0 53.210509 -0.451816
LN4 1JX 2 1 53.205457 -0.454962
LN4 1JY 15 0 53.214898 -0.476384
LN4 1LA 9 0 53.191482 -0.473038
LN4 1LB 6 0 53.194558 -0.472419
LN4 1LD 10 0 53.212673 -0.453685
LN4 1LF 2 0 53.190784 -0.472238
LN4 1LG 44 0 53.195466 -0.468929
LN4 1LH 39 10 53.195831 -0.467988
LN4 1LJ 15 0 53.193486 -0.468117
LN4 1LL 70 0 53.19162 -0.466986
LN4 1LP 8 0 53.191285 -0.474497
LN4 1LQ 22 0 53.198881 -0.468149
LN4 1LR 50 0 53.192088 -0.470875
LN4 1LS 9 0 53.191811 -0.472742
LN4 1LT 9 0 53.190867 -0.473434
LN4 1LU 2 0 53.19068 -0.476104
LN4 1LW 33 0 53.191499 -0.468726
LN4 1LZ 27 1 53.192638 -0.472772
LN4 1NA 18 1 53.192944 -0.474183