all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 1HW 4 0 53.220456 -0.480096
LN4 1HX 10 0 53.188945 -0.451276
LN4 1HY 2 1 53.186629 -0.441614
LN4 1HZ 6 0 53.196483 -0.444791
LN4 1JA 5 2 53.197541 -0.420651
LN4 1JB 2 0 53.201768 -0.431318
LN4 1JD 3 1 53.207993 -0.429221
LN4 1JE 53 2 53.206958 -0.414884
LN4 1JF 10 1 53.210192 -0.406603
LN4 1JG 10 0 53.204754 -0.406655
LN4 1JH 13 0 53.212127 -0.443536
LN4 1JJ 1 0 53.206998 -0.438316
LN4 1JL 64 0 53.211912 -0.449788
LN4 1JN 17 0 53.211044 -0.448742
LN4 1JP 26 0 53.211168 -0.452017
LN4 1JQ 1 0 53.209781 -0.415559
LN4 1JR 10 0 53.211463 -0.453264
LN4 1JS 44 2 53.212379 -0.455971
LN4 1JT 8 0 53.212753 -0.457111
LN4 1JU 7 0 53.21324 -0.458561