all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1XJ 1 1 53.229635 -0.544206
LN1 1XP 12 11 53.230238 -0.54426
LN1 1XS 13 0 53.231669 -0.543374
LN1 1XT 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN1 1XU 1 0 53.231424 -0.54425
LN1 1XW 1 1 53.229523 -0.544644
LN1 1XX 4 3 53.23128 -0.544195
LN1 1YA 70 11 53.229443 -0.545426
LN1 1YG 1 1 53.231249 -0.545755
LN1 1YL 1 1 53.231249 -0.545755
LN1 1XZ 3 1 53.231124 -0.546538
LN1 1YP 1 1 53.231977 -0.542794
LN1 1YQ 1 1 53.231249 -0.545755
LN1 1YS 1 1 53.231531 -0.545625
LN1 1YT 1 1 53.229945 -0.547491
LN1 1YW 6 5 53.229707 -0.546435
LN1 1YX 12 10 53.22885 -0.544008
LN1 1YZ 1 1 53.231843 -0.544371
LN1 1ZE 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN1 1XL 0 53.22972 -0.544562