all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1RP 23 0 53.231445 -0.549344
LN1 1RR 9 1 53.231016 -0.550287
LN1 1RS 30 1 53.231332 -0.549931
LN1 1RT 51 3 53.232207 -0.552794
LN1 1RU 49 2 53.233437 -0.556379
LN1 1RX 63 1 53.234855 -0.557664
LN1 1RY 1 1 53.233819 -0.557084
LN1 1RZ 43 0 53.234783 -0.556978
LN1 1SA 12 0 53.234932 -0.555473
LN1 1SB 13 0 53.234533 -0.55667
LN1 1SD 16 0 53.234212 -0.557595
LN1 1SE 8 2 53.233937 -0.560166
LN1 1SH 10 1 53.233151 -0.557257
LN1 1SJ 36 0 53.232568 -0.557695
LN1 1SL 32 0 53.232528 -0.557083
LN1 1SN 34 0 53.231623 -0.55581
LN1 1SP 21 3 53.232376 -0.55445
LN1 1SQ 9 0 53.233454 -0.55858
LN1 1SR 54 3 53.231958 -0.556728
LN1 1ST 40 2 53.231698 -0.552392