all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1SU 51 0 53.231854 -0.55414
LN1 1SX 6 0 53.230979 -0.553899
LN1 1SY 32 0 53.231263 -0.553185
LN1 1SZ 9 0 53.230846 -0.553275
LN1 1TA 10 0 53.230799 -0.552362
LN1 1TB 23 0 53.231119 -0.552067
LN1 1TD 9 0 53.230759 -0.551658
LN1 1TE 8 1 53.230998 -0.551321
LN1 1TG 6 0 53.230577 -0.550721
LN1 1TJ 4 0 53.23049 -0.550199
LN1 1TL 39 0 53.231307 -0.554561
LN1 1TN 11 0 53.2313 -0.552479
LN1 1TQ 10 0 53.230799 -0.550444
LN1 1TR 13 7 53.22935 -0.541205
LN1 1TS 1 1 53.229053 -0.54072
LN1 1TT 14 11 53.229196 -0.541434
LN1 1TW 3 0 53.2311 -0.554959
LN1 1TY 4 2 53.229128 -0.542096
LN1 1UB 3 3 53.229588 -0.54187
LN1 1UD 4 4 53.229828 -0.541622