all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2SG 46 4 53.310105 -0.580374
LN1 2SH 35 0 53.327639 -0.579252
LN1 2SL 3 0 53.326045 -0.578253
LN1 2SN 4 0 53.32653 -0.578177
LN1 2SP 5 0 53.270975 -0.672589
LN1 2SQ 47 0 53.316654 -0.576254
LN1 2SS 1 0 53.301248 -0.573375
LN1 2SU 4 0 53.301269 -0.577411
LN1 2SW 34 0 53.320019 -0.666789
LN1 2SX 2 2 53.291494 -0.543216
LN1 2SZ 6 0 53.2942 -0.531164
LN1 2SY 1 1 53.291598 -0.540375
LN1 2TA 10 0 53.297753 -0.542296
LN1 2TB 10 0 53.296527 -0.544243
LN1 2TD 16 0 53.295949 -0.542522
LN1 2TE 7 0 53.29552 -0.542732
LN1 2TF 28 0 53.294808 -0.544796
LN1 2TG 30 0 53.295389 -0.546067
LN1 2TH 17 0 53.298322 -0.549884
LN1 2TL 7 0 53.298995 -0.550566