all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3EF 32 0 53.240926 -0.539806
LN1 3EG 52 0 53.240698 -0.539515
LN1 3EH 25 0 53.240107 -0.539371
LN1 3EJ 18 0 53.239508 -0.539285
LN1 3EL 8 0 53.239173 -0.540197
LN1 3EN 4 0 53.23934 -0.540656
LN1 3EP 24 0 53.239647 -0.535175
LN1 3EQ 56 0 53.239956 -0.540275
LN1 3ER 14 0 53.232191 -0.539715
LN1 3ET 17 0 53.23991 -0.536125
LN1 3EW 25 0 53.238913 -0.53989
LN1 3EY 18 1 53.238535 -0.539828
LN1 3EZ 40 1 53.238281 -0.540376
LN1 3GA 1 1 53.235223 -0.541739
LN1 3HA 18 1 53.237876 -0.542518
LN1 3HB 26 0 53.237299 -0.542402
LN1 3HD 19 0 53.238133 -0.5426
LN1 3HE 20 0 53.238799 -0.542291
LN1 3HF 5 0 53.238364 -0.541272
LN1 3HG 8 0 53.238581 -0.541415