all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3JJ 40 0 53.238071 -0.545987
LN1 3JL 38 0 53.238844 -0.545991
LN1 3JN 59 1 53.239562 -0.543719
LN1 3JP 17 0 53.241351 -0.545921
LN1 3JQ 22 0 53.239543 -0.547286
LN1 3JR 15 0 53.242453 -0.542632
LN1 3JS 30 0 53.242294 -0.539895
LN1 3JT 8 0 53.242925 -0.541567
LN1 3JU 6 0 53.238767 -0.541184
LN1 3JW 16 0 53.238746 -0.546774
LN1 3JY 35 6 53.237106 -0.543219
LN1 3JZ 18 0 53.238336 -0.54412
LN1 3LA 11 0 53.238236 -0.543735
LN1 3LB 31 7 53.237084 -0.543579
LN1 3LD 16 0 53.236987 -0.544091
LN1 3LE 1 1 53.237529 -0.544282
LN1 3LF 8 0 53.23747 -0.544629
LN1 3LG 40 0 53.236896 -0.545473
LN1 3LH 9 1 53.237569 -0.546124
LN1 3LJ 11 3 53.238877 -0.545016