all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3LL 10 7 53.23907 -0.54465
LN1 3LN 34 12 53.239394 -0.545403
LN1 3LP 4 0 53.240298 -0.545058
LN1 3LQ 11 0 53.23721 -0.546136
LN1 3LR 29 0 53.240807 -0.544021
LN1 3LS 4 1 53.240575 -0.546367
LN1 3LT 16 0 53.241046 -0.546666
LN1 3LU 24 0 53.242891 -0.544625
LN1 3LW 43 8 53.240066 -0.54592
LN1 3LX 23 0 53.244165 -0.54076
LN1 3LY 1 1 53.237984 -0.544418
LN1 3ND 1 1 53.241705 -0.546164
LN1 3NE 24 0 53.244633 -0.540804
LN1 3NF 30 0 53.243317 -0.54491
LN1 3NG 7 0 53.241359 -0.547989
LN1 3NH 9 0 53.237695 -0.547588
LN1 3NJ 8 0 53.238067 -0.547126
LN1 3NL 20 0 53.238433 -0.543218
LN1 3NN 6 0 53.238263 -0.544767
LN1 3NQ 34 1 53.239466 -0.548009