all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 1JT 59 0 53.790826 -1.531866
LS10 1HY 62 0 53.79079 -1.531851
LS10 1NF 1 1 53.790896 -1.531394
LS10 1PE 4 0 53.790431 -1.532542
LS10 1PZ 18 15 53.7906 -1.531888
LS10 1QD 2 0 53.791419 -1.533999
LS10 1QG 5 3 53.789813 -1.532959
LS10 1DX 0 53.776474 -1.514104
LS10 1DF 3 53.769403 -1.502144
LS10 1QN 74 0 53.793133 -1.540401
LS10 1GX 4 2 53.793181 -1.539236
LS10 1GY 92 0 53.793174 -1.539171
LS10 1GZ 58 0 53.793174 -1.539171
LS10 1DS 7 4 53.773339 -1.514565
LS10 1JB 0 53.792149 -1.534982
LS10 1EL 50 0 53.790504 -1.539277
LS10 1GL 21 0 53.784459 -1.524029
LS10 1GJ 43 0 53.78323 -1.52465
LS10 1GN 33 0 53.783739 -1.523916
LS10 1GH 18 0 53.784034 -1.523427