all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 1SB 1 1 53.771934 -1.509912
LS10 1SE 25 14 53.766297 -1.509477
LS10 1SD 2 2 53.7672 -1.504111
LS10 1SF 1 1 53.771763 -1.516162
LS10 1SL 5 4 53.771668 -1.514934
LS10 1SP 23 15 53.773007 -1.510382
LS10 1SU 41 0 53.782545 -1.533399
LS10 1SW 5 5 53.770943 -1.508979
LS10 1SX 39 0 53.781936 -1.531464
LS10 1SY 27 0 53.782199 -1.532235
LS10 1SZ 28 0 53.782882 -1.532045
LS10 1TB 2 2 53.773291 -1.512082
LS10 1TD 6 5 53.783152 -1.525945
LS10 1TE 1 0 53.781327 -1.525248
LS10 1TF 6 4 53.782261 -1.52501
LS10 1TW 2 1 53.774364 -1.506379
LS10 1XR 1 1 53.768909 -1.530804
LS10 1HF 44 0 53.793548 -1.536116
LS10 1HG 65 0 53.793447 -1.535571
LS10 1HQ 41 0 53.793188 -1.535832