all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 1PG 7 4 53.785903 -1.530634
LS10 1PL 6 4 53.784593 -1.52898
LS10 1PQ 1 1 53.768909 -1.530804
LS10 1PR 1 1 53.787046 -1.525927
LS10 1PS 2 1 53.785941 -1.526521
LS10 1PW 1 1 53.783651 -1.528819
LS10 1QP 7 5 53.783615 -1.527139
LS10 1QR 10 9 53.78155 -1.527037
LS10 1RA 1 1 53.780765 -1.52447
LS10 1RD 4 4 53.772618 -1.505394
LS10 1RG 4 4 53.781703 -1.520953
LS10 1RH 7 6 53.779412 -1.522963
LS10 1RJ 8 8 53.779829 -1.519225
LS10 1RN 3 1 53.775981 -1.512213
LS10 1RP 1 1 53.776226 -1.504017
LS10 1RR 1 1 53.777091 -1.498043
LS10 1RT 16 15 53.770295 -1.497957
LS10 1RW 9 9 53.774688 -1.503883
LS10 1RX 2 1 53.767848 -1.495669
LS10 1RZ 3 3 53.772618 -1.505394