all postcodes in LS12 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS12 6BF 3 53.783341 -1.57332
LS12 6LT 8 53.783447 -1.575247
LS12 6BH 6 53.783749 -1.57241
LS12 6BR 1 53.783144 -1.576115
LS12 6BS 5 53.78094 -1.573087
LS12 6BY 4 53.784062 -1.576409
LS12 6DD 1 53.781996 -1.579283
LS12 6DG 1 53.779722 -1.581885
LS12 6DJ 0 53.76991 -1.593775
LS12 6DL 4 53.772422 -1.591957
LS12 6DN 11 53.7803 -1.575601
LS12 6DP 3 53.781709 -1.576949
LS12 6DQ 2 53.779389 -1.582302
LS12 6DR 5 53.775119 -1.589427
LS12 6DS 5 53.780087 -1.583566
LS12 6DT 1 53.777342 -1.584914
LS12 6DU 4 53.778671 -1.587222
LS12 6DX 6 53.773529 -1.586878
LS12 6EH 1 53.784269 -1.57152
LS12 6EP 1 53.784287 -1.579537